Jason Drenik 2
Box of Wine is a collection of curated selections that are so sexy you might need protection. Yes indeed, a fine listening experience for your Mom on Mother's Day while tripping at the Carson County Speedway.
Don’t be a fool - you will be Forever Swimming through some hammy harmonica riffs while eating Donuts at Dawn when the bass from the kick drum hits. Get your friends and family to join you for 3 BBQ Nights and gulp down a Box of Wine when the time is right, which is always. But don’t bother inviting Will Moss, he’s too busy being dead.
Maybe you should relax and chill or, better yet, rule the night with your Zombie Lover for an apocalyptic thrill. Listen up as The Bastard Son of The Grateful Dead yells Me Me Me with no rock & roll distortion, sitting on the john in your bathroom having a Donut Abortion.
These songs are smoking so many cigarettes your speakers may need a Nicotine Patch, and look you got No Balls At All… so there’s no catch. Although this Jason Drenik guy is no Romeo, he’s smart enough for a Temp Job and he’s the type of guy you could get Together to Pass The Stone and listen to Box of Wine again when you get home. You Get The Gun if someone tries to disturb your groove. But instead of bullets, hit them with Spoons and Moons. Hit me up.
- Tyquion Fisher / tystickone@gmail.com